Links to Other Speculative Biology-Related Media

Below I have compiled a list of links to other great speculative biology/evolution projects, authors, and other media on the Internet, including those that inspired Anthropomundus.

C.M. Kosemen - An illustrious artist and researcher born in Ankara, Turkey, C.M. Kösemen has authored several works of seminal importance of this century's speculative evolution consciousness, including All Tomorrows, Snaiad, and his many imaginative sketches of alien life, life from alternative timelines, and paleoart. One of the authors of the revolutionary paleoart book All Yesterdays.

Wayne D. Barlowe - The inspiration behind the inspiration, Wayne D. Barlowe, is perhaps best known for Expedition: Being an Account in Words and Artwork of the 2358 A.D. Voyage to Darwin IV, exploring the colorful, blind, sonorous alien life of the said planet and all of its environs through immersive writing and breathtaking illustrations of insurmountable artistry.

Furaha by Gert van Dijk - An exobiology project surrounding an Earth-like planet, Nu Phoenicis IV, or Furaha, inhabited by, among other things, multi-legged vertebrate fauna. Emphasizes the scientific principles, including physical and biomechanical, behind the workings of the organisms, explored in the author's invaluable companion blog, Furahan Biology and Allied Matters.

Ilion by Emily Holland - An exobiology project that imagines life on a planet within the habitable zone of Barnard's Star, explored by a manned mission in the far future, backed with great artistic talent. Inhabited by a diversity of red and dark flora and one-eyed fauna, among other biota.

Speculative Evolution Fourm - The place for the discussion of all matters speculative biology/evolution and related topics online. Anthropomundus has a forum thread here, as does another notable project that I was an important part of, Sagan 4, a team-based, gamified exobiology project envisioning life descended from a single-celled ancestor, Protosagania, generation by generation.

Centre d'Etude et de Recherche sur la Bipédie Initiale - This is the website of an entity propounding the heterodox hypothesis that humans ultimately descend from protochordates that bore gas bladders on the tips of their heads and grew limbs, with the end result being a human-like, air-headed creature not too dissimilar from Anthropomundus's progenitor posthuman, with the consequence being that humans descended directly from this, with all other vertebrates, including apes, merely having diverged from this ancestor.

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